I passed!!!! I’m a black belt. I’m a black belt. I’m a black belt. I’m a black belt. I’m a black belt. I’m a black belt. I’m a black belt. I’m a black belt. I’m a black belt. I’m a black belt. I’m a black belt. I’m a black belt. I’m a black belt. I’m a black belt. I’m a black belt. I’m a black belt. I’m a black belt. I’m a black belt. Hyaaa! I did really well and a broke my boards on my first try! Everyone was cheering for me. It’s great how many friends I have there. You’d think after periodically beating the life out of each other, there would be some… animosity… possibly… But no! They are all my friends.
Ok Andrew, I’ll give it to you winamp 5 is pretty cool. But when am I ever going to rip CDs?
We just dropped Brian off. Ahh what a wonderful day *floats* He just makes me so happy. We put up Christmas lights and man it was cold. Maybe it was just me. I seem extra prone to cold. Then we saw Interview with a Vampire. That was a GOOD movie. Armand was too old though. What color is Auburn? I always thought it was a reddish-brown. I know that! But this Armand had black hair… Whatever. Awesome movie, go see it if you haven’t, don’t bring small siblings. I could rant about my day for quite some time. It was perfect, because I was with Brian. He is like some wonderful drug, and I am still on my fix. I got it bad, I got it really bad.
So! What do you think of lip gloss? ^_^
I plan to go off to the Zendo tomorrow, clear my mind, sit, drink tea. Life is nice.