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Monthly Archives: January 2004

echo waves

You know when you are at the beach and play on the surf all day. When you go home that evening and you still can feel the waves pushing you about. Yea little echoes… So. Early release day today! Ya Ya hurray! It still felt too long for me. Spanish just went on and on […]

Well I’m a Hippy

Anyway question of the moment. What sculpture should I make for art? Hmm No restriction on material or subject matter. It just has to be 3D. So WHY IS IT SO HARD?? I want to stick in my concentration area, which by the way is by no means certain; I am going for a botanical […]


A neighbor just dropped by to tell us that a coyote has been sighted in our neighborhood. No little cats are going out tonight. *Looks over* and she took my spot again. Yesterday was mellow, rainy and calm I just sat around reading and watching the rain. And then I found this Cake song that […]


Ok so I went and downloaded eMule and it works. I just can’t download more than one episode at a time without slowing down my internet connection a paseo de tortuga. You know, but when I’m sleeping it’s not like I mind a slow internet. in fact it can be as slow as it likes […]

Live Journal

Am I the only one who is having Live Journal troubles? I wonder if it will even post. Nyh. I’ll write anyway. So as far as OM goes today’s meeting was a joke. Yes I got to see the script but we really didn’t need to have a whole meeting. It was more like Brian […]


ok so I’m better now. Good morning.

I’m done

For once I’ve finished my homework early. (It was an accident) Anyway I just finished reading Kat’s big speal on friendship and everything of that sort. I upsetting and depressing read. I’m not one for posting song lyrics but what the hell. For you Kat, I shall. To me, Coming from you, Friend is a […]

Cooking Manga

Ok I just found the funniest thing. it’s a cooking manga. He’s going to make the best bread in the world.

Talking to myself

Ok so we have these dinky little laptops excavated from the stone age. We are working with simple commands like sit!, stay!, Turn On! Unfortunately It has difficulty comprehending my words (Val and Ort say hi) It just hit me that it’s a 3 day weekend. Just made my day there.

The system is down!

For the last couple of days there has been no internet in my house. It left like a stray cat out into the cold. So we got a new one. I was freaking out, I would have to put my Spanish oral on a floppy, but floppies aren’t big enough so I was going to […]

New Icon

You can all gawk at my new icons… Ok I’m keeping that one… I mean it’s a good picture of me and that’s hard to beat. but I have others too now. Today is Friday and I couldn’t be better. I am full, warm, fuzzy, unstressed, half-awake, mellow, and relaxed. I can hang out with […]

Home Again Home Again

Ahh! I spilled hot wax on my pants! I am fine… the pants are not… Is there any way to get it off. I’m thinking scrape/wash? *sigh* stupid candle. and lets see today OM became complete mayhem. I had no idea we were so far behind. But we’ll do fine because my group is the […]

spy ware, viruses, and colds

Ok so it has some to my attention that there are some pretty slimy programs running on my computer. Or lurking in some dusty corner waiting to leap out. Sooo I am downloading spybot…we shall see. There was one really nasty little bugger who if provoked and full of unreasoning malignance could completely demolish my […]

nuevo año

So right now I am sending my new year’s resolutions via intraweb to my CDr in Español… of course. What are they you ask? Well I am thinking of giving up soda… sounds familiar? Well I think it is a commendable goal… we don’t keep it in the house, and if Brian decides to give […]

Hot Chocolate

I tried to make hot chocolate. It exploded, and had chunks of chocolate floating in it. mmm just the way I like it. Yesterday was fun. I hung out with Brian, yay!! Well that goes without saying. I plan to spend the rest of the day wallowing in my lack of homework. Which involves something […]

Sick… pain… cramps… nap

What a day. I wake up to a terrible gut-splitting pain. I swear I have the worst cramps. Sure my girl friends can complain but at least theirs doesn’t leave them bedridden for a day. So I crawl-stumble downstairs to the couch and sleep till dinner. It was awful. Writhing in pain for hours, awful. […]