I had a causal laid back day. I think I might just indulge in a nap. mmm. and if everything goes according to plan I shall go out on a date later this evening! SCORE!!
At OM yesterday we made the most awesome duct tape boots. They are so awesome you can’t even begin to imagine them. Unless you were there… then you know what I mean. I left much later and so Andrea and I were able to finish up the second one. Fun times. I think we are going to meet a bit more frequently this week http://www.odysseyofthemind.com/viewevents.php?assoc=GA&url=http://www.georgiaodyssey.org/ this is all the info that you might need.
I am not feeling particularly witty or entertaining so I’m done. It’s over. No more. That’s it. Finalmente! Now go away! Why are you still reading this? The End.