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Dr. Frankenstein of Syntax

Ok so my computer is doing something strange and maybe one of you might know what it is. Sort of a minor thing but it is really getting to me. My icons seem to be eroding. Like the little icons for folders or website favorites are loosing pixels of color and are gradually becoming transparent… The little hard drive icon for C/D drive. It is just weird, and the only ones that seem to be unaffected are Firefox and Winamp. (Rebooting does nothing)
Speaking of Winamp. It has been accidentally resized to a ridiculous size and I can’t shrink it back down because the top part isn’t supposed to resize in the first place. I must have accidentally typed in some funky keyboard command and I had to give into newer skins that were unaffected (My poor penguins) but it is playing consistently and without crashing so I figure this is minor comparatively.

I went out to see Ian’s orchestra concert tonight and it was this insane combination of all these different middle schools and they were all in one room and there were like 5 different directors and somehow the kids knew all the music. Middle school kids look a lot older now than they should. There were sixth graders that looked like they belonged in high school. It’s all that growth hormone in the food.

In order to defend my art from the roaming Campbell Art Thief I am taking everything home over spring break. This is going to be quite a task seeing that much of it is too big to fit into either of my family’s cars. I am going to have to borrow someone with a van or truck to haul this stuff home and then back again. I honestly would be fine in leaving it in the art room, but I told my parents about the missing paintings and they are a little paranoid.

I have to do some serious revising on my lit essay. It cracks me up. On the first draft I got really tired and I cut and pasted some of my paragraphs from old essays on One Hundred Years of Solitude (actually my internal assessment now that I think about it…) and she complimented me on them. Hot damn! I can already recycle my essays and I am none the worse for wear. No plagiarism here. I just had conveniently written about this specific topic before. I actually need to go work on that now some ideas of connection an revision of Light in August sections.