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Monthly Archives: March 2006

Sick -part 3

IB has had some pretty devastating consequences on my school life. Like this extreme guilt complex about skipping class even while being quite legitimately sick. Occasional peer pressure is the only thing that comes between me and class. For example this morning. “Don’t go Hannah! Go back to bed! Don’t you dare catch this Russell […]

So I am doing Fushigi Yugi like it is crack. I only got so far in the manga and then forgot about it. It came up in conversation and Erin went ahead and loaned me the end of the series! Ah it is so good. Between episodes I have been working on my art project […]

I am coming to the frightening realization that I am a morning person. I don’t mind getting up early and even today and I am still quite sick I managed to wake up at 7:30 without an alarm. I had set the alarm for 9:00. Why? I really wanted to sleep in. I know as […]

I have a cold

What kind of pirate am I? You decide!You can also view a breakdown of results or put one of these on your own page!Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

I am trying to write an essay about gender stereotypes and how this short story deviates from that “norm”. The notion of the submissive housewife . Is that even a stereotype anymore? I was never given a clear idea of the role women “supposedly” fill because no one is retarded enough to think that. I […]


Today I went to Atlanta to hear a talk by the Kenyan winner of the nobel peace prize. She is an environmentalist and organized the planting of 3 million trees. She was a really great speaker and had this beautiful African accent. It was interesting how she placed her environmentalism into a Christian context. Where […]


Banksy a UK graffiti artist, who is also known for sneaking into museums and putting his own art up. …I feel inspired

Kiss me. I’m a Pirate!

*le sigh* Oh Bush how we love you so… So I suppose I don’t update very often. Maybe posting online makes me worry about sounding stupid. That probably shouldn’t bother me. Pretty much everyone sounds stupid on livejournal. I am sitting on my bed right now. Brian went home and it is raining outside. I […]

I know. My icon kicks butt

So this weekend we were going to fight the GA Tech fencing team. It was going to be at tech today. Well apparently their basement flooded and we had to host it in Athens. Ok, fine. Except that at 5:00 the day before their president called and said that they couldn’t field a team to […]