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Monthly Archives: March 2009

Misty trees

Cross posted from <-this is my new main blog Well here’s my newest print in all it’s glory. It’s a huge reduction print that I whipped out in record time. I am trying to think about my work in relation to my buddhist practice and spirituality in general. Any feedback on how I could […]


uh meme LJ why am I crawling back to you. I have a better blog now

The Deal: Exit Show

BFA I: Graphic Design, Jewery Metals, Photography, Printmaking Gallery 101, 307, Orbit Galleries, and 2nd Floor On View: April 20-24, 2009 Lamar Dodd School of Art, University of Georgia. Reception: Friday, April 24, TBA Anyone who reads this is invited to come to the show it should be really good.

Snow Day

It is snowing right now and it looks beautiful. After looking at images of trees and snow for so link to inspire my art it is nice to see the real thing for once. I was such a skeptic earlier today. I mean In Georgia the weather forecasters tend to be just as hopeful as […]